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Alicia Brown

Spice Up Your Writing with -ing Openers: A Guide for Young Writers

Do you want to make your writing more exciting and fun? Well, one way to do that is by using -ing openers in your sentences. These verb forms, known as gerunds or present participles, add action and make your paper more engaging and impactful. They are like little sparks that add energy to your words. Whether you're writing a story, an essay, or a school project, learning how to use -ing openers can make your writing shine.

In this blog post, we'll show you the steps to follow when adding -ing openers to your writing.

Step 1: Find the Right Spot

First, look for the perfect place to use -ing openers in your sentences. You can add them at the beginning of a sentence to introduce action or to describe ongoing processes. It's like adding a dash of excitement to your writing! Here are a few examples:

  • Running as fast as he could, Tim reached the finish line.

  • After finishing her homework, Lisa went out to play with her friends.

Step 2: Choose the Right Words

Now, it's time to pick the right words for your -ing openers. To make an -ing opener, just add "-ing" to the base form of a verb. For example:

  • Playing, jumping, laughing, swimming—there are so many fun things to do at the park!

  • Walking slowly, the old dog sniffed the flowers in the garden.

Step 3: Use the correct pattern and punctuation

Remember that the subject doing the ING’ing must be the same as the WHO doing what. The THING doing the INGing must follow the comma! To form a proper -ing opener, follow this pattern:

Choose an -ing word or phrase = Climbing to the top of the mountain

Add a comma = Climbing to the top of the mountain,

Answer the question "Who?" = Jenny

Answer the question "Did what?" = felt a sense of accomplishment and freedom

Put it all together (see below)

Climbing to the top of the mountain, Jenny felt a sense of accomplishment and freedom.

Here are three more examples:

  1. Exploring the ancient ruins, Sarah felt a sense of wonder and awe as she uncovered the secrets of the past.

  2. Singing her heart out, Emily captivated the audience with her powerful voice, leaving them mesmerized by her talent.

  3. Running through the meadow, the children laughed and played, their joyful voices filling the air.


Using -ing openers can make your writing more exciting and fun to read. Remember to find the right spot, choose the right words, and use the correct punctuation and pattern. With practice, you'll become a master at using -ing openers, and your writing will sparkle with action and creativity. So, go ahead and give it a try—spice up your writing with -ing openers and watch your words come alive!

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